Fundamental Graphic Considerations for Your Business Success
Your Logo, Business Cards & Stationery
Small businesses find it difficult to get brand recognition in their niche markets. But a uniquely designed logo, business card design and other marketing items can immediately catch attention.
Your logo is a graphic mark, emblem, symbol, or stylized name used to identify your company, organization, product, or brand. This may take the form of an abstract or figurative design, or it may present as a stylized version of the company’s name if it has sufficient brand recognition. We strive to project an image of integrity, service, and quality.
This includes all your writing and communications materials and should enhance your business branding: Business Cards, Letterheads, Invoices, Statements
This could include printed material or a template that everyone in your Company could use.

Your Brand:
What is a brand by simple definition?
A brand is the essence of your own unique story. This is as true for personal branding as it is for business branding. The key, though, is reaching down and pulling out the authentic, unique “you”. Otherwise, your brand could just be a facade. The power of a strong logo in brand identity is that a simple visual can instantaneously communicate a brand and what it is about. Some large brands can do this by symbol only, without words, that is the Holy Grail that brands and designers dream about. Logos are vitally important but are just one component of what creates a strong brand. Logos should support the broader brand strategy that supports an even bigger brand story.
Advertising has three primary objectives: to inform, to persuade, and to remind. Informative Advertising creates awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas. Its goal is to influence consumers switch brands, try a new product, or remain loyal to a current brand.
We create advertisements, using photography or illustration, and carefully crafted words, that demonstrate everything that is smart, innovative, and distinguished about your brand, and is almost indispensable in today’s economic marketplace.
Traditionally, advertisements were strategized, conceptualised, and designed for Newspapers, Magazines, Radio and TV. In today’s digital environment, communication is evolving rapidly. Today there are many platforms such as: social media and many other considerations.
Although the platforms may change over time, the basic tenants of successful advertising will continue to apply: To plan, write, design, testing the advertisement and to produce the relevant material required by the various media.
Before we create an advertisement, we always focus on your audience, what product, or service you’re offering and what is it you want your target market to do (call to action).
We advocate: Truth in Advertising, when advertising a new product. We highlight the features and positive differences that will elevate your product in consumers’ minds. Focus on areas of price, quality, and service, and emphasize how the new product or service will help or be a benefit to consumers. Build on the existing reputation of your company in branding the new product in consumers’ minds. This approach attracts new customers and entices existing customers who are already familiar with and trust the company’s other products and services. Focus on your Target Market Demographics and your competition (SWOT), Then, only then, we look for creative and unusual ways to introduce your product into the marketplace.

Graphic design is the craft we apply when creating visual content to communicate messages. Applying visual hierarchy and page layout techniques, we use typography and pictures to meet specific needs and focus on the logic of displaying elements in interactive designs to optimize the user experience. Graphic designs are also helpful in establishing a company’s name in its niche market. When customers see an attractive logo, again and again, it reminds us of the brand behind the logo.